Enquire about a workshop or training package

  • Tuning into teens- For parents wanting support and psycho-education into raising adolescents.

    Mental health first aid- For businesses needing psycho-education, resources and guided practice into monitoring, assessing and responding to mental health issues such as burn out, risk management of burnout, suicide prevention and awareness, difficult conversations and conflict management.

    Policy writing- For organisations writing policies in line with mental health needs, inclusions and appropriate responses.

  • Tuning into teens runs for 7 weeks (one night per week for 120 minutes) and includes resources. This package costs each parent $599 or a reduced price if the group is 10+. This is a good service for schools or community centres to provide.

    Various presentations of mental health first aid for corporations costs $220 for a half an hour session plus resources.

    For tailored workshop requests or incident response needs please contact us for a quote and available time.

    For policy writing help and enquiries please contact us.

  • Email: christinehalden@lifegoalspsychology.com
    Phone: 0411104455

    Fax: 03 4823 0003